Motivational Speaking
A Few Topics Organizations Bring Los In To Speak On
1. Find Comfort In The Uncomfortable:
Here Los helps rewire the attendees minds on why resting in their comfort zone hurts their organization & themselves. A core challenge many organizations face are members that reach levels of accomplishment & become complacent. Los knows personally how hindering the comfort zone is to growth & productivity. He will give your team the tools to always excel further & never settle.
2. Crucial Conversations:
Los believes the secret to any organizations success lies in the relationship quality of its members to one another and their ability to communicate effectively. The need for this skill is essential for management when looking to connect with and inspire employees to get the best out of them & encourage helpful employee input. Los will share the key steps needed to build unity & maximize your organizations productivity.
3. There’s always another level:
One of Los's core principles as a coach & speaker is crushing limiting beliefs about your potential & always pushing yourself to improve. In this presentation Los will push your audience teaching the power of narratives & give the game plan on how to use them to their advantage to impact your organization & their lives in the best way possible.
Everything You Need For Rewired Success